Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What is it with me and blogging in class?

Don't really know why but I like blogging in class. Kinda funny. Anyway, i think everything will be okay. Except my HOMEWORK!!! lol I cant seem to get the online hw program for my math class to work...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Spike and the Gypsies

It was a good day to be a pirate. Or, at least, that was what I thought. We had just had an almost flawless go at a spanish Galleon in dock at Port Royal. Oh, before I get too involved, the name's Spike, by the bye, first mate aboard the Dancing Gypsy. We took the ship's guard fairly sharp, little blood spilled an' all. Got most of her cargo out and loaded, when my boy Keeneye Jim calls out in a bit of a panic:
"Spaniard Brigantine off the starboard bow!"
That was when I knew we had a problem. For ye uneducated folk, a brigantine is rather fast, and just armed enough to be a pain in the arse for a gentleman of ill repute such as myself. The rub was that we were still loading our plunder aboard the Gypsy, so we were in a bit of a pinch.
"Boys, leave what's left. Like as not, there be more where that damn brig came from. Weigh anchor!" says our leader, Captain Johnston. If we were to make good our escape, it needed to be sharp. By the time we had our anchor up, Jim called out two more ships on the horizon. Then the Captain called me over to talk.
"Spike, my boy," He says, "Looks like we may be captured. If it comes to that, I want you to jump ship. Swim to port, whatever it takes. You're a good lad, m'boy." For a moment it gave me pause, but then I realized I was still needed to help get the ship moving. We got the Gypsy out to sea, and for a moment I thought we were going to dance the hempen jig for sure.A few moments passed, however, and then a few ships flying the Union Jack arrived, and it seemed to us that they were chasing the Spanish ships.
"Captain! British ships!" I called out.
"Aye, Spike. Best we make good our getaway while these lovely vessels are preoccupied."
And so we made our escape, slipping away from what quickly became a Naval battle between the British and the Spanish. This is why I be before ye now, as opposed to having taken a long drop and a short stop.

Arrr, ye bitches! Avast!

So yeah I am writing a pirate story for an essay in english. Probably gonna post it. Lol

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lol blogging in class

Yeah I'm doing a bit better today. Lol, I am publishing this from class while listening to a lecture about a scientist named Wegener and the pangaia idea. lulzwtf

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fuck College

Yeah, I don't really mean the title but I am sick of feeling like I don't know wtf to do in class. God, half the time the teacher speaks and all that comes out is yargle bargle bargle. Not really sure what to do...

Intro post, college woes, and (hey wait what was that? You saw it right?)

Yeah, I finally broke down and started a blog. Funny, innit? Anyway, for those of you who stumbled upon this one, I am a college student who doesn't really have anyone he can talk to and needs some space to think. So basically, if you came here to hate, I seriously suggest you fuck off instead of wasting my time. Thank you. If you have anything productive or helpful to say, however, please feel free to leave comments.